The seven sacraments of the Catholic Church were instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church to make the love of God real and present in the world.
Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments by which one becomes a member of the Church and a new creature of Christ.
Reconciliation is the liturgical celebration of God’s loving forgiveness of sin. The sacrament is offered every Saturday at 3:15 p.m.- 3:45 p.m. in the Reconciliation Room.
First Reconciliation is offered to eligible children in Grade 2 and above. The Archdiocesan eligibility requirement is that the child has participated in a Religious Education program for the year before and the year of preparing to receive the sacrament.
First Eucharist is offered to eligible children in Grade 2 and above. The Archdiocesan eligibility requirement is that the child has participated in a Religious Education program for the year before and the year of preparing to receive the sacrament.
Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism through an outpouring of special gifts of the Holy Spirit. Preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation is offered to young people entering the 8th Grade and above.
Matrimony is the foundation of the Christian family. When marriage takes place between baptized persons who enter into a covenant modeled on that between Christ and the Church, it is recognized as a sacrament.
Holy Orders is the sacrament whereby men are ordained to serve the Church as bishops, priests, or deacons.
Anointing of the Sick celebrates the Church’s mission of spiritual and physical healing.